How to Increase Battery Life of Smartphone
How to Increase Battery Life of Smartphone
Guys fast battery drain is a common problem with smarphone both android and iphone even Samsung,Nokia or any other Brands.So this is the question in every person mind that how to increase the battery life of smartphone?So guys let us learn the solution here.Smartphone Fast battery Drainage Problem
Now a days smartphone have become a part of our life.Whether it is Android,Iphone or any other Brand.The craze for smartphone is increasing day by day.Some of the smartphone have some different problems but main problem with most smartphone is battery life.People are sick off about fast battery drainage .It is extremely Important to take note of point and practices that can increase and improve battery life of your smartphones.Mostly People simply do is plug in their smartphone for charging as soon as they reach in office or home.then they leave their phone on charge for unlimited time .This is totally wrong and this procedure can damage your mobile battery or decrease its life.let us discuss some simple tips that how to Increase Battery Life of Smartphone
1.Do not allow your Smartphone to overheat
Heat is the enemy of lithium-ion battery.Lithium-ion batteries are used in the smartphones.If your mobile getting overheated,you must follow some tips.Never Place your smarphone on the dashboard of your car.when you playing graphically intensive games never charge your smartphone beacuse it increase temperature of your smartphone and harm the battery.The temerature to charge your smartphone bettery is between 20 to 30 degree Celsius.2. Do not use your smartphone while charging
Using your Smartphone while charging is very harmful to you and your mobile battery.Even Slightest use of the phone while charging stop complete charging cycle of the bettery and can damage your bettery.3. Never use duplicate charger
Guys always use original charger only.The practice becomes even more important if your smartphone supports quick charging.According to experts,high capacity charger can charge up to 70% more quickly but it can damage the battery if charging is not done properly by using duplicate chargers.Orignal chargers help to maintain life of the battery.So,never use duplicate charger or low cost charger.4. When you charge your Mobile
When u buy a new mobile,it is necessary to charge it full before use .Most of the new mobile come with fully charge bettery u check it and start using but if battery is 95% ,85% like this u must chaarge full before using.Guys never allow the battery to drain to zero.Put your mobile on charge when the bettery reaches 10%.This will help the battery to last long.5. Never leave your smartphone on charging overnight
Guys this point is very important for battery life .This mistake is done by the most people around the world.This damages the battery and this battery will not last too long.When the voltage reaches the desired capacity,it automatically stop must unplug the bettery once the fully charged.6. Do not Download Unlimited and useless apps
Download and use only useful apps.uninstall unwanted apps.Try to install apps on external SD Card to increase and improve battery life.
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